Research - Star Trek

From this poster you can see that there is no clear shot of any of the characters. All of the images are merged and blended into each other.
This gives the impression of a lot going on and also the sense of action.
From the picture of a spaceship in the fore ground, the glimpses of uniform on the characters and the type of font used tells us instantly that this film is of a Sci-fi genre. 

From watching the film trailer I can tell there are a number of tracking and panning shots which are used to establish the environment and also when used at a fast speed give a sense of drama and action.
The use of editing is clearly present with a lot of special FX with laser beams, space ships and explosions all shown in vast quantities.
The music used for the trailer is used to build up the drama and tension using trumpets and stringed instruments.
"The wait is over” diegetic speech from one of the characters was a message sent out to the audience as part of the trailer and made the audience feel “involved”