Production Brief

Production brief

Project name:

Film – Ancillary tasks within Print.
Magazine + Film Poster
1-3 minutes
18th February 2011
Group members:
Myself however, my classmates will assist me with some tasks such as filming.
Brief overview of content approximately 50 words:

I plan to produce a film likely to be in the action genre, however after researching current productions within the market, I will finalise my decision.
Target audience (age group, gender bias (if any), socio-economic status and lifestyle profiling):

I have identified a profile that is males aged from 12-40 from socio-economic groups A to D.
What representations will be operating in your text? Are these justified?

Within my trailer I have planned to represent class and status to some extent, within my two main characters.
How will you test whether the product is successful?
After producing the task I will show the trailer to members of my target audience and take their feedback, if the responses are negative then I may have to edit or change aspects of the task. 

What generic codes and conventions will be operating in your text?

From observing current products on the market I will pay attention to any codes and conventions they all display. From this is will try to incorporate them into my trailer, however as of yet I don’t know what these codes and conventions are.
What are the overt (obvious) messages incorporated into the text?

The messages I will send within my production will be the storyline and the obvious stereotype messages. This will be a simple as identifying a spy or terrorist.  
Are there any (hidden) messages incorporated into the text?

Identify any resource constraints (time, money, equipment, human resources) that might affect your production and your hopes for your product:

As this is a production for school, there will be time constraints and deadlines, not too dissimilar from that of real life instances within the industry. Money is also an issue as there is no official budget and because of this will limit the amount of things I can fit within my production. (i.e I will not be able to have a massive explosion as part of my trailer)
Equipment is also and issue as the school has amateur out dated filming equipment so the quality of the work will be in low resolution, however this is an issue out of my control and will not be marked against me.