Planning - Treatment

The product I am producing as part as my production company is a teaser film trailer, the genre of which I have yet to decide. This teaser trailer will also be accompanied with two ancillary tasks, these being a magazine poster for the film and a magazine front cover with the film being featured on it.

Target Audience
Looking at the action genre in whole, the main target audience are mainly of male background, ranging from around 15-40. This target audience is very important for me to identify as it will have a final outcome on my final product, especially throughout the planning and construction phases of this project. In this instance lifestyle isn’t a particularly important factor as I am to target men from all types of lifestyle, as I deem them to be all interested in films from this genre.
So in regards to these contexts I aim to target quite a mass audience.
From my research I can see that there are a number of things that appeal to members of this mass audience. The most influential items possibly being those which are stereotypically related to the action genre such as gadgets, guns, girls, pyrotechnics and fast cars. I think if I can incorporate as many of these as I can to the film, it can be successful in targeting this audience. However I have to take into account that this production has very low budgeting so it will be very difficult to acquire some of these effects for real, however I could attempt to duplicate these effects in post production such as pyrotechnics. So using as many of these techniques as possible, I feel that I can target this audience and that my product will appeal to them.

The products I plan to produce are a teaser trailer, film poster and a magazine front cover. These three will combine to form part of an advertising package. Specifically the film trailer and film posters aim to advertise the film itself within the film and print platforms respectively. This is different from the magazine front cover as it will feature many other items along with the film I am producing, with less focus on my product.
Having the product on these platforms will affect my product in different ways. There are rules and restrictions for publishing on these platforms and I will have to conform within these. For example not including any profanities or anything inappropriate for all viewers even if they are not members of my target audience, such as young children.

Media Concepts
Media Languages
For all of the products I am producing I aim to follow the conventions that are being set within the current industry. Knowing how to do this is one of the main reasons I have carried out a vast extent of research. Taking note of all the conventions that occur within these film trailers will help me to identify and replicate a similar convention within my product. Within my trailer I hope to challenge and better some of the conventions currently set within the industry, by doing this I will have to push the boundaries and come up with something special or eye-catching.
To make the film trailer fit and suit within other film trailers I will create a production company of my own, including a name and a logo that can instantly be identified as my production company. This will be the distributing company for my product and will help me to compete and market my production to others within the same industry.
Within the film representations will affect my characters, especially within regards of stereotyping. Being able to identify characters easily are very important for my film. For example putting my main character in a suit and having him wield a gun will immediately tell the audience that he is some kind of agent or spy with some air of mystery around this. I aim to follow stereotyping within this product as often going against these stereotypes can have a detrimental effect on the popularity of films creating confusion within the audience and causing them to lose interest even before seeing the film. 
I have already decided that the film I will produce will be part of the action genre and there are clear conventions which I can follow for this, that can be including stereotypical items related to this type of film or having a soundtrack that fits within the genre. The setting of the film will also be important with my film to be set within central London, an iconic city that everybody in the world knows of. Also the style of editing and camera work will be following conventions as shots are usually quite short in length and also with a number of varying shots included.
All of these different factors combined will give my film a clear indication on genre and will be easily identifiable to all viewers.