This film poster is set out in quite a traditional style with only the actors and film title clearly shown.
The main appeal of this film is the “big name” actors which is a luxury I don’t have when creating my film advertising package.
However with two of the characters shown holding weapons, this can draw in potential viewers attention.
The film trailer follows a slightly different style than the films I have previously researched so far.
The trailer focuses on the comedy factor as the main appeal, when this happens, the only sound we can hear is the diegetic speech, and then there is a pause for the affect.
Towards the end of the trailer the scenes of comedy stop and there are a number of action shots of chases and the characters start to hold weapons, the cuts between shots become a lot shorter and the pace of the music picks up.
A part of the trailer that appeals to me is the part where George Clooney’s character shoots a gun and at the same time the screen goes blank for an edit