Research - Casino Royale

From this film poster you can see a man with a gun dressed in a suit and bow tie. You can see the stereotypical “agent” character here. The girl in the background also reinforces this.
Both the ‘007’ and ‘Casino Royale’ are shown in the film title which is an interesting way of showing a film title
Also the main character is quite clear whereas the background is quite bland drawing attention to the foreground and main character  

From watching the film trailer there are a number of interesting shots and mise-en scene aspects that I like and will try to incorporate these into my trailer. This includes the dress sense of the main character wearing a suit.
Another part of the trailer I liked was the cutting and editing between the shots which were in synchronisation with the music of the film trailer.
Also I liked the beginning few scenes which were in black and white and may be something to try with the editing of my film trailer.