I have handed out a questionnaire to a sample audience and have shown them a preview of my first and second drafts or my trailer.
This was possibly the most important part of my project as this is where I have learnt what the target audience would like to see and what they think of my first draft. After receiving the feedback I have set out to improve my product and produce an improved draft.
Here are some of the key points that have been made during the feedback stages of my drafts and further below I have made a video log of a few of my audience feedback interviews.
Positive Feedback From trailer
Music fits well with trailer
Good opening angle shot
Good variety of Angles
Actor fits with character
Good use of visibility and lighting
Looks professional
Text explains story
Good timing of shots
Steady shots
Interesting story
Liked black and white shots in lift
Zoom shots were good
Music creates atmosphere
Lighting is effective in scenes
Good bus scene
Running through crowd (more action scenes)
Could include studio name at the beginning
Music needs to be faded out at the end.
Didn’t like the shot face to face
Font of text should be the same as rest of the trailer
Don’t like the last shot
Take the sound out of the underground shot.
Need to know who bad guy is.
Some scenes not professional
Because of the success of the 3rd draft I have made this the final draft, will not edit this further and will submit this as my final trailer.